Aerial Reconnaissance in the North Atlantic Basin
Map updated with new data on October 9, 2024 21:42 Z. Map has most recent aircraft positions available.
Map: Large | None
Atlantic recon in the last thirty minutes...
Milton (14L) -
High Density (2) ,
Recco (16)
Geopotential Height: 6,063 meters (19,892 feet)
Static Air Pressure: 483.8 mb
Location: 69 statute miles (111 km) to the SW (228°) from Panama City, FL, USA.
Milton (14L) -
High Density (8)
Geopotential Height: 3,108 meters (10,197 feet)
Static Air Pressure: 696.7 mb
Location: 92 statute miles (148 km) to the WSW (237°) from Gainesville, FL, USA.
Satellite data does not currently automatically update in the Cesium display. You must refresh the page to update satellite imagery.
System Status: Updating every minute. (
summary )
15 product files are currently monitored in this basin.
Last check for data: Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024 21:43 Z
A check of the NHC's recon archive also occurs as needed.
Live Atlantic recon mapping...
Air Force Hurricane Hunters:
National Hurricane Center:
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aircraft reconnaissance .
For a version of our Google Earth recon product that does not automatically fly to the plane's current location and allows you to view multiple missions at once, click
here .
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