Sunday, October 27th, 2024 3:28 Z
East Pacific:

Model Listing

The following is not a complete listing of models, though it does contain many of the models that you will see released in the National Hurricane Center's (NHC) public model files. Some of the models that the NHC uses below are rarely released into the public model file for a storm. Some are released after a storm is active.

We use a variety of sources for the below data. We only include extra information when it is provided specifically about that model. Even though some of the blanks could easily be filled in on some of the models, we chose not to unless the information was available specifically for that model in reliable documentation that we could find.

Consensus models listed below, that are a combination of other models, could change at any time, such as year to year. When available, the year the consensus membership was last verified to be correct for is noted.

You can select a model name or type in the list below to view the models associated with it. This page is automatically created. That is why it is not formatted in the most friendly way possible.

If you are aware of any changes to these models, please let us know where to find the updated information.
Main Model Listing
Deprecated Model Listing
Models are added to this section when we find evidence that they are either "retired or objective aids (guidance) no longer in use". (This description of "deprecated" models comes from the April 18th, 2008 entry in the file here.) There will be models in the main model listing that should also be in this section and they will be added when we find they should be.
Main Model Listing

Combined ARQ (Automated Response to Query) Position

CARQ - Combined ARQ (Automated Response to Query) Position (more)
Note: This contains the center position in a storm's model file in the ATCF system.

Coupled Hurricane Intensity Prediction System

CHIP - Coupled Hurricane Intensity Prediction System
CHPI - Coupled Hurricane Intensity Prediction System (Interpolated 6 hours)
CHP2 - Coupled Hurricane Intensity Prediction System (Interpolated 12 hours)

Climatology and Persistence model and Statistical Hurricane Intensity Forecast model

OCD5 - CLP5 (track) and DSF5 (intensity) models merged (more)
Combination of CLP5 and Decay-SHIFOR run on operational inputs
CLP5 - CLIPER5 (Climatology and Persistence model 5 day)
DSF5 - DSHIFOR5 (Decay Statistical Hurricane Intensity Forecast, Climatology and Persistence model 5 day)

Type: Statistical baseline
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
BCD5 - Best Track Decay (Only available post-season) (more)
Combination of CLP5 and Decay-SHIFOR run on operational inputs
OCS5 - 5-day CLIPER / SHIFOR in operational mode, rerun using CARQ data (more)
"5-day CLIPER (Aberson, 1998) / SHIFOR (DeMaria and Knaff, 2001) in operational mode, rerun using CARQ data." Source.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model OCS5 has not appeared since 2012 in a model file.

Climatology and Persistence model

CLIP - CLImatology and PERsistance model 3-day
CLP5 - CLImatology and PERsistance model 5-day (CLIPER5) (more)
Type: Statistical baseline
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
TCLP - Trajectory CLImatology and PERsistance (CLIPER) model 7-day

NRL's Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System for Tropical Cyclones

COTC - NRL's Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System for Tropical Cyclones (COAMPS-TC) model (more)
Naval Research Laboratory
COTI - NRL's COAMPS-TC model (Interpolated 6 hours)
COT2 - NRL's COAMPS-TC model (Interpolated 12 hours)
CTCX - NRL's Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System for Tropical Cyclones (COAMPS-TC) model (experimental version) (more)
Naval Research Laboratory
CTCI - NRL's COAMPS-TC model (experimental version) (Interpolated 6 hours) - Variable offset intensity
CTC2 - NRL's COAMPS-TC model (experimental version) (Interpolated 12 hours) - Variable offset intensity
CHCI - NRL's COAMPS-TC model (experimental version) (Interpolated 6 hours) - Variable offset radii
CHC2 - NRL's COAMPS-TC model (experimental version) (Interpolated 12 hours) - Variable offset radii

NRL's Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System

COAL - NRL's Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) Atlantic grid (more)
Naval Research Laboratory

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model COAL has not appeared since 2008 in a model file.
COAI - NRL's COAMPS Atlantic grid (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model COAI has not appeared since 2008 in a model file.
COA2 - NRL's COAMPS Atlantic grid (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model COA2 has not appeared since 2008 in a model file.
COCE - NRL's Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) Caribbean / East Pacific grid (more)
Naval Research Laboratory

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model COCE has not appeared since 2006 in a model file.
COEI - NRL's COAMPS Caribbean / East Pacific grid (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model COEI has not appeared since 2006 in a model file.
COE2 - NRL's COAMPS Caribbean / East Pacific grid (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model COE2 has not appeared since 2006 in a model file.

Canadian (CMC/GEM)
Global Environmental Multiscale model from the Canadian Meteorological Centre

CMC - Canadian global model, GEM Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS) (more)
Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS)
Canadian Meteorological Centre

Type: Multi-layered global dynamical
Timeliness: Late
NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
CMCI - Canadian global model, GEM GDPS (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS)
Canadian Meteorological Centre

Type: Interpolated-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
CMC2 - Canadian global model, GEM GDPS (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS)
Canadian Meteorological Centre

Canadian Ensemble
Canadian Meteorological Centre

CEMN - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) Mean
CEMI - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) Mean (Interpolated 6 hours)
CEM2 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) Mean (Interpolated 12 hours)
CC00 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) Control Member (Canadian model Ensemble Control Member)
CP01 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +01 member
CP02 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +02 member
CP03 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +03 member
CP04 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +04 member
CP05 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +05 member
CP06 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +06 member
CP07 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +07 member
CP08 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +08 member
CP09 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +09 member
CP10 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +10 member
CP11 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +11 member
CP12 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +12 member
CP13 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +13 member
CP14 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +14 member
CP15 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +15 member
CP16 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +16 member
CP17 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +17 member
CP18 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +18 member
CP19 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +19 member
CP20 - CMC Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) +20 member

Consensus Models

TVCN - Consensus Track Guidance (2019 version, consensus of at least two of: AVNI, EGRI, HWFI, EMXI, CTCI, EMNI) (more)
Type: Consensus
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hours

We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
TVCA - Consensus Track Guidance (2019 version, consensus of at least two of: AVNI, EGRI, HWFI, EMXI, CTCI, EMNI) (more)
Type: Consensus
Parameters forecast: Track

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hours

"It is intended that TCOA/TVCA would be the primary consensus aids for the Atlantic basin and TCOE/TVCE would be primary for the eastern Pacific." Source.

We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
TVCE - Consensus Track Guidance (2019 version, consensus of at least two of: AVNI, EGRI, HWFI, EMXI, CTCI, HMNI, EMNI) (more)
Type: Consensus
Parameters forecast: Track

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hours

"It is intended that TCOA/TVCA would be the primary consensus aids for the Atlantic basin and TCOE/TVCE would be primary for the eastern Pacific." Source.

We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
TVCC - Corrected TVCN Consensus (more)
Version of TVCN corrected for model biases

Type: Corrected consensus
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
TVDG - Consensus Track Guidance (2018 version, consensus of at least two of: AVNI [double weight], EGRI [double weight], HWFI, EMXI [double weight], CTCI) (more)
We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
GFEX - Consensus Track Guidance (Consensus of AVNI and EMXI) (more)
Public access restricted due to agreement with the data provider.

Consensus Model Methods: Simple average track forecasts
Cycle Frequency: 6 hr (120 hr)
Parameters forecast: Track

We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
TVCX - Consensus Track Guidance (2018 version, consensus of at least two of: AVNI, EGRI, HWFI, EMXI [double weight], CTCI) (more)
We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
TVCY - Consensus Track Guidance (2018 version, consensus of at least two of: AVNI [double weight], EGRI, HWFI, EMXI [double weight], CTCI) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model TVCY has not appeared since 2017 in a model file.

We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
ICON - Intensity Consensus (2021 version, consensus of all: DSHP, LGEM, HWFI, CTCI, HMNI) - This is not German DWD ICON model (more)
All Required
Type: Consensus
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Intensity

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hours

We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
IVCN - Intensity Consensus (2018 version, consensus of at least two of: DSHP, LGEM, HWFI, CTCI, HMNI) (more)
Type: Consensus
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Intensity

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hours

We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
IVCX - Intensity Consensus (2018 version, consensus of at least two of: DSHP, LGEM, HWFI, CTCI, HMNI) (more)
We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
IVDR - Intensity Consensus (2018 version, consensus of at least two of: DSHP, LGEM, HWFI [double weight], CTCI [double weight], HMNI [double weight]) (more)
We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
IVCR - Intensity Consensus (For 2021, consensus of at least two of: DSHP / LGEM / HWFI / RI?? [RI25 or RI30 or RI35 or RI40] + CTCI) (more)
The update to the members of this model's consensus was verified in the June 22nd, 2021 update to the NHC's techlist file. At some point prior, GHMI was removed.
IVRI - Intensity Consensus (see our model listing page for description) (more)
On June 22nd, 2021 the NHC made an update to the techlist file. For IVRI it said:
"Consensus of 5: DHSP/LGEM/HHFI/CHTI+RI40 or RI35 or RI30 or RI25"

In the previous update, on June 3rd, 2016, for IVRI it said:
"Consensus of 5: DHSP/LGEM/GHMI/HWFI/CTCI+RI40 or RI35 or RI30 or RI25"

We are unsure if "CHTI" is correct or if it should be "CHCI" or remain "CTCI". There is no listing for "CHTI" in the techlist file. However, we found an article here for "CHTI" which listed a definition as "COAMPS-TC model radii/interpolated forecast".

We are not sure what the consensus members are for this model.

An article here from 2015 says "Sampson et al. (2011) developed a deterministic rapid intensification aid (IVRI; also known as RAPID) that employs probabilistic SHIPS-RII forecasts in conjunction with the existing intensity five-member consensus (IVCN)."

We are unsure if it still includes the members of the IVCN and the RI?? like it did in 2016 as well.
HCCA - HFIP Corrected Consensus Approach model (For 2019: AEMI, AVNI, CTCI, DSHP, EGRI, EMNI, EMXI, HWFI, LGEM) (more)
Public access restricted due to agreement with the data provider.

Cycle Frequency: 6 hr (120 hr)
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity

Consensus Model Methods: Positive/negative weighting coefficients; better performing models receive large weight

We last reviewed this consensus model in June 2021. The consensus members are based on either an update to the NHC's nhc_techlist.dat file in June 2021 or were valid as of the 2019 NHC model verification report released in 2020.
RVCN - Wind Radii Consensus (Consensus composition in June 2019: AHNI, HHFI, EHHI, CHCI; See our model listing page for important note) (more)
Consensus Model Methods: Multi-model wind radii, bias corrected initial wind
NHC Forecast Parameter: 34-kt wind radii

A previous description from the NHC for this model was: R34 Wind Radii Consensus

For more information, see PDF page 124 in the file here.

On June 22nd, 2021 the NHC made an update to the techlist file. For RVCN it said:
"Wind Radii Consensus of >=2: AVHI/EMXI/HHFI/ (2017 version)"

The model was not in the file previously.

The consensus members we currently include are the ones from the page here on the NHC's site. That page, updated on June 11th, 2019, had "AHNI, HHFI, EHHI, CHCI". That is what we currently use since it seems like the techlist version might be missing a model and it has a date of 2017. Some of the other models are different in it as well.

We are not certain what the most recent consensus members are for this model.
NNIC - Neural Network Intensity Consensus model (see our model listing page for description) - Experimental (more)
NHC techlist file description: Neural Net Intensity Consensus (Bias Corrected)

We emailed the National Hurricane Center about this model and received this response on June 22nd, 2021:

"Here is some additional information on the NNIC/NNIB models:

NNIC is the Neural Network Intensity Consensus model
NNIB is the Neural Network Intensity Baseline model

The inputs to NNIC include intensity forecasts from 4 deterministic intensity models (HWFI, AVNI, DSHP, LGEM) and 4 other predictors.

The model input includes 5 predictors as follows:

(1) the mean intensity from the 4 models,
(2)-(5) The deviation of each model from the mean.

The four other inputs include the following:

(6) The previous 12 hr intensity change (t=0 minus t=-12h max wind)
(7) The latitude along the OFCI track
(8) The SST along the OFCI track,
(9) The 850-200 hPa shear along the OFCI track

Predictors (6)-(9) are obtained as part of the SHIPS model diagnostics.

The NNIB model is just the simple mean of the same four models used as input to NNIC. It is used as a baseline to see if the neural network can improve on the simple mean.

The NNIC forecast is from a fully connected neural network with 1 input layer (9 nodes), 1 hidden layer (9 nodes) and 1 output layer (1 output per forecast time). The network was trained on data from 2013-2020, with a separate network for each time from 12 to 168 hr. The Atlantic and combined eastern and central Pacific were trained separately. At least 2 of the 4 input models must be available for NNIC to make a forecast. Because HWFI only provides a forecast to 120 hr, the longer range forecasts are less reliable.

NNIC is experimental and is undergoing its first end to end test in 2021 where the output is being put in the public A-decks. Caution should be exercised downloading this model."
NNIB - Neural Network Intensity Baseline model (simple mean of NNIC input models) (more)
NHC techlist file description: Neural Net Intensity Consensus (Uncorrected)

"The NNIB model is just the simple mean of the same four models used as input to NNIC. It is used as a baseline to see if the neural network can improve on the simple mean."

See the Neural Network Intensity Consensus (NNIC) model for information about that model.
RYOC - Forecaster Created Consensus Guidance (any model combination)
MYOC - Forecaster Created Consensus Guidance (any model combination)

DeMaria Radii CLIPER model

DRCL - DeMaria Radii Climatology and Persistence (CLIPER) model
DRCI - DeMaria Radii Climatology and Persistence (CLIPER) model (Interpolated 6 hours)

ECMWF Ensemble [GTS tracker]
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

ECME - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) Control Member [GTS tracker] (more)
GTS - Global Telecommunication System
EE01 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +01 member [GTS tracker]
EE02 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +02 member [GTS tracker]
EE03 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +03 member [GTS tracker]
EE04 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +04 member [GTS tracker]
EE05 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +05 member [GTS tracker]
EE06 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +06 member [GTS tracker]
EE07 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +07 member [GTS tracker]
EE08 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +08 member [GTS tracker]
EE09 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +09 member [GTS tracker]
EE10 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +10 member [GTS tracker]
EE11 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +11 member [GTS tracker]
EE12 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +12 member [GTS tracker]
EE13 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +13 member [GTS tracker]
EE14 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +14 member [GTS tracker]
EE15 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +15 member [GTS tracker]
EE16 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +16 member [GTS tracker]
EE17 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +17 member [GTS tracker]
EE18 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +18 member [GTS tracker]
EE19 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +19 member [GTS tracker]
EE20 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +20 member [GTS tracker]
EE21 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +21 member [GTS tracker]
EE22 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +22 member [GTS tracker]
EE23 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +23 member [GTS tracker]
EE24 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +24 member [GTS tracker]
EE25 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +25 member [GTS tracker]
EE26 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +26 member [GTS tracker]
EE27 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +27 member [GTS tracker]
EE28 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +28 member [GTS tracker]
EE29 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +29 member [GTS tracker]
EE30 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +30 member [GTS tracker]
EE31 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +31 member [GTS tracker]
EE32 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +32 member [GTS tracker]
EE33 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +33 member [GTS tracker]
EE34 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +34 member [GTS tracker]
EE35 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +35 member [GTS tracker]
EE36 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +36 member [GTS tracker]
EE37 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +37 member [GTS tracker]
EE38 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +38 member [GTS tracker]
EE39 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +39 member [GTS tracker]
EE40 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +40 member [GTS tracker]
EE41 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +41 member [GTS tracker]
EE42 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +42 member [GTS tracker]
EE43 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +43 member [GTS tracker]
EE44 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +44 member [GTS tracker]
EE45 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +45 member [GTS tracker]
EE46 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +46 member [GTS tracker]
EE47 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +47 member [GTS tracker]
EE48 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +48 member [GTS tracker]
EE49 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +49 member [GTS tracker]
EE50 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +50 member [GTS tracker]

ECMWF Ensemble [NCEP tracker]
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

EEMN - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) Mean [NCEP tracker] (more)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

Public access restricted due to agreement with the data provider.

Type: Consensus
Timeliness: Late
Cycle/Run Frequency: 12 hr (360 hr), 00/12 UTC
Parameters forecast: Track
EMNI - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) Mean [NCEP tracker] (Interpolated 6 hours)
EMN2 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) Mean [NCEP tracker] (Interpolated 12 hours)
EMN3 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) Mean [NCEP tracker] (Interpolated 18 hours)
EMN4 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) Mean [NCEP tracker] (Interpolated 24 hours)
EC00 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) Control Member [NCEP tracker]
EN01 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +01 member [NCEP tracker]
EN02 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +02 member [NCEP tracker]
EN03 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +03 member [NCEP tracker]
EN04 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +04 member [NCEP tracker]
EN05 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +05 member [NCEP tracker]
EN06 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +06 member [NCEP tracker]
EN07 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +07 member [NCEP tracker]
EN08 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +08 member [NCEP tracker]
EN09 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +09 member [NCEP tracker]
EN10 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +10 member [NCEP tracker]
EN11 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +11 member [NCEP tracker]
EN12 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +12 member [NCEP tracker]
EN13 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +13 member [NCEP tracker]
EN14 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +14 member [NCEP tracker]
EN15 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +15 member [NCEP tracker]
EN16 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +16 member [NCEP tracker]
EN17 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +17 member [NCEP tracker]
EN18 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +18 member [NCEP tracker]
EN19 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +19 member [NCEP tracker]
EN20 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +20 member [NCEP tracker]
EN21 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +21 member [NCEP tracker]
EN22 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +22 member [NCEP tracker]
EN23 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +23 member [NCEP tracker]
EN24 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +24 member [NCEP tracker]
EN25 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +25 member [NCEP tracker]
EP01 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +26 member [NCEP tracker]
EP02 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +27 member [NCEP tracker]
EP03 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +28 member [NCEP tracker]
EP04 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +29 member [NCEP tracker]
EP05 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +30 member [NCEP tracker]
EP06 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +31 member [NCEP tracker]
EP07 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +32 member [NCEP tracker]
EP08 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +33 member [NCEP tracker]
EP09 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +34 member [NCEP tracker]
EP10 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +35 member [NCEP tracker]
EP11 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +36 member [NCEP tracker]
EP12 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +37 member [NCEP tracker]
EP13 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +38 member [NCEP tracker]
EP14 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +39 member [NCEP tracker]
EP15 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +40 member [NCEP tracker]
EP16 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +41 member [NCEP tracker]
EP17 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +42 member [NCEP tracker]
EP18 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +43 member [NCEP tracker]
EP19 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +44 member [NCEP tracker]
EP20 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +45 member [NCEP tracker]
EP21 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +46 member [NCEP tracker]
EP22 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +47 member [NCEP tracker]
EP23 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +48 member [NCEP tracker]
EP24 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +49 member [NCEP tracker]
EP25 - ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) +50 member [NCEP tracker]

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

ECM - ECMWF global model
ECMI - ECMWF global model (Interpolated 6 hours)
ECM2 - ECMWF global model (Interpolated 12 hours)
EMX - ECMWF global model [NCEP tracker] (more)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

Public access restricted due to agreement with the data provider.

Type: Multi-layered global dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Cycle/Run Frequency: 12 hr (240hr), 00/12 UTC
NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
EMXI - ECMWF global model [NCEP tracker] (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

Type: Interpolated-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
EMX2 - ECMWF global model [NCEP tracker] (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
ECMO - ECMWF global model [GTS tracker] (more)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

GTS - Global Telecommunication System
ECOI - ECMWF global model [GTS tracker] (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

GTS - Global Telecommunication System
ECO2 - ECMWF global model [GTS tracker] (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

GTS - Global Telecommunication System
EMH - ECMWF model [HCCA tracker]
EMHI - ECMWF model [HCCA tracker] (Interpolated 6 hrs)
EMH2 - ECMWF model [HCCA tracker] (Interpolated 12 hrs)
EHHI - ECMWF model [HCCA tracker] (Interpolated 6 hrs) - Variable offset radii
EHH2 - ECMWF model [HCCA tracker] (Interpolated 12 hrs) - Variable offset radii

Florida State University Super-ensemble Corrected Consensus

FSSE - Florida State University Super-ensemble Corrected Consensus (more)
Public access restricted due to agreement with the data provider.

Cycle Frequency: 6 hr (120 hr)
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity

Ensemble Consenus Members (according to NHC model page): AVNI / EMXI / HWFI / CTCI / EGRI / NGPI
FSSI - Florida State University Super-ensemble (Interpolated 6 hours)

NWS / Global Ensemble Forecast System (previously GFS Global Ensemble)

AEMN - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) Mean (more)
Previously known as GFS Global Ensemble (GENS)

Type: Consensus
Timeliness: Late
NHC Forecast Paramter: Track
AEMI - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) Mean (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Previous cycle AEMN, adjusted

Type: Consensus
Timeliness: Early
NHC Forecast Paramter: Track
AEM2 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) Mean (Interpolated 12 hours)
AC00 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) Control Member
AP01 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +01 member
AP02 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +02 member
AP03 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +03 member
AP04 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +04 member
AP05 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +05 member
AP06 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +06 member
AP07 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +07 member
AP08 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +08 member
AP09 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +09 member
AP10 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +10 member
AP11 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +11 member
AP12 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +12 member
AP13 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +13 member
AP14 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +14 member
AP15 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +15 member
AP16 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +16 member
AP17 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +17 member
AP18 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +18 member
AP19 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +19 member
AP20 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +20 member
AP21 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +21 member
AP22 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +22 member
AP23 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +23 member
AP24 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +24 member
AP25 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +25 member
AP26 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +26 member
AP27 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +27 member
AP28 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +28 member
AP29 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +29 member
AP30 - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) +30 member
AN01 - GFS Ensemble -01 member (more)
Note: This may not be a part of the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), which used to be named the GFS Global Ensemble. The name "AN01" was verified to be "GFS Ensemble -01 member" in a 2007 email with someone from the National Hurricane Center. In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the models AN01 through AN05 have not appeared since 2006 in a model file.
AN02 - GFS Ensemble -02 member (more)
Note: This may not be a part of the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), which used to be named the GFS Global Ensemble. The name "AN01" was verified to be "GFS Ensemble -01 member" in a 2007 email with someone from the National Hurricane Center. In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the models AN01 through AN05 have not appeared since 2006 in a model file.
AN03 - GFS Ensemble -03 member (more)
Note: This may not be a part of the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), which used to be named the GFS Global Ensemble. The name "AN01" was verified to be "GFS Ensemble -01 member" in a 2007 email with someone from the National Hurricane Center. In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the models AN01 through AN05 have not appeared since 2006 in a model file.
AN04 - GFS Ensemble -04 member (more)
Note: This may not be a part of the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), which used to be named the GFS Global Ensemble. The name "AN01" was verified to be "GFS Ensemble -01 member" in a 2007 email with someone from the National Hurricane Center. In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the models AN01 through AN05 have not appeared since 2006 in a model file.
AN05 - GFS Ensemble -05 member (more)
Note: This may not be a part of the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), which used to be named the GFS Global Ensemble. The name "AN01" was verified to be "GFS Ensemble -01 member" in a 2007 email with someone from the National Hurricane Center. In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the models AN01 through AN05 have not appeared since 2006 in a model file.
AMMN - GFS New Ensemble Mean (more)
NWS / Global Forecast System

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model AMMN has not appeared since 2005 in a model file.

NWS / Global Forecast System

AVNO - Global Forecast System (GFS global model) (more)
National Weather Service (NWS)

As of 2019, has a new dynamical core called the Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere (FV3).

Type: Multi-layered global dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Cycle/Run Frequency: 6 hr (240 hr), 00/06/12/18 UTC
NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity

Also known by the identifier "GFSO". (About "AVN" part: "The Aviation model (120-hour numerical model of the atmosphere). The output from this model is now part of what is known as the GFS model." Source.)
AVNI - Previous cycle GFS model, adjusted (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
National Weather Service (NWS)

NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
AVN2 - GFS model (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
National Weather Service (NWS)
AHNI - GFS Model (Interpolated 6 hrs) - Variable offset - intensity / radii
AHN2 - GFS Model (Interpolated 12 hrs) - Variable offset - intensity / radii
GFSL - Legacy GFS Model
GFLI - Legacy GFS Model (Interpolated 6 hours)
GFL2 - Legacy GFS Model (Interpolated 12 hours)
AVXO - GFS Model 10-day tracker (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model only appeared in 2010.
AVXI - GFS Model 10-day tracker (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model only appeared in 2010.
AVX2 - GFS Model 10-day tracker (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model only appeared in 2010.

Hurricane Analysis And Forecast System

HFSA - Hurricane Analysis And Forecast System - Configuration A - Newer version, as of 2023, of HAFS (scheduled to replace HWRF) (more)
On NOAA's "Model Analyses and Guidance" website, HFSA replaced HWRF and HFSB replaced HMON in June 2023. According to this service notice from May 2023, the HWRF and HMON models are "currently scheduled to be decommissioned on or about November 30, 2023".
HFSB - Hurricane Analysis And Forecast System - Configuration B - Newer version, as of 2023, of HAFS (scheduled to replace HMON) (more)
On NOAA's "Model Analyses and Guidance" website, HFSA replaced HWRF and HFSB replaced HMON in June 2023. According to this service notice from May 2023, the HWRF and HMON models are "currently scheduled to be decommissioned on or about November 30, 2023".
HAFA - HAFS-A - Stand Alone Regional (HAFS: Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System)
HFAI - HAFS-A (Interpolated 6 hours) - Variable offset intensity
HFA2 - HAFS-A (Interpolated 12 hours) - Variable offset intensity
HAFB - HAFS-B - Global with Static Nest (HAFS: Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System)
HFBI - HAFS-B (Interpolated 6 hours) - Variable offset intensity
HFB2 - HAFS-B (Interpolated 12 hours) - Variable offset intensity
HAFJ - HAFS-SAR with ESG Grid (HAFS: Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System)
HFJI - HAFS-SAR (Interpolated 6 hours) - Variable offset intensity
HFJ2 - HAFS-SAR (Interpolated 12 hours) - Variable offset intensity
A4PS - PSU ARW w/Doppler 2011 version (more)
Penn State University 4.5 km; TDR (Tail Doppler Radar) assimilated
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
A4PI - PSU ARW w/Doppler 2011 version (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
PSU 4.5 km; TDR assimilated
Timeliness: Early version of A4PS
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
A4P2 - PSU ARW w/Doppler 2011 version (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
AHW4 - SUNY Advanced Hurricane WRF (NCAR Hurricane Regional Model) (more)
NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) / MMM (Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology) - SUNY (University at Albany)
4-km AHW
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2012 in a model file.
AHWI - SUNY Advanced Hurricane WRF (NCAR Hurricane Regional Model) (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
4-km AHW
Timeliness: Early version of AHW4
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2012 in a model file.
AHW2 - SUNY Advanced Hurricane WRF (NCAR Hurricane Regional Model) (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
4-km AHW
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2012 in a model file.
APSU - PSU ARW w/Doppler (more)
Penn State University 3 km; TDR (Tail Doppler Radar) assimilated
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2013 in a model file.
APSI - PSU ARW w/Doppler (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
PSU 3 km; TDR assimilated
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2013 in a model file.
APS2 - PSU ARW w/Doppler (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
PSU 3 km; TDR assimilated
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2013 in a model file.
FIM9 - ESRL FIM (Flow-Following Finite-Volume Icosahedral Model) (more)
Earth System Research Laboratory
15 km FIM

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2013 in a model file.
FM9I - ESRL FIM (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
15 km FIM

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2013 in a model file.
FM92 - ESRL FIM (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
15 km FIM

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2013 in a model file.
FIMY - ESRL FIM (Flow-Following Finite-Volume Icosahedral Model) 2011 version (more)
Flow-Following Finite-Volume Icosahedral Model - EnKF (Ensemble Kalman Filter) initial conditions
GSD (NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Global Systems Division) FIM
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
FIMI - ESRL FIM 2011 version (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Flow-Following Finite-Volume Icosahedral Model (Interpolated 6 hours) - EnKF initial conditions
Timeliness: Early version of FIMY
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
FIM2 - ESRL FIM 2011 version (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
H3GP - NCEP/AOML High-Resolution Triple Nested HWRF 3km model (more)
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity

High-Resolution Triple Nested Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting Model
Resolution: 27/9/3 (Increased model resolution to 3 km near hurricane core)
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
H3GI - NCEP/AOML High-Resolution Triple Nested HWRF 3km model (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
High-Resolution Triple Nested HWRF Model
Timeliness: Early version of H3GP
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
H3G2 - NCEP/AOML High-Resolution Triple Nested HWRF 3km model (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
HWMN - HWRF Ensemble Mean (more)
Computation of the ensemble mean applied when at least half of the members are present

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2013 in a model file.
HWMI - HWRF Ensemble Mean (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2013 in a model file.
HWM2 - HWRF Ensemble Mean (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2013 in a model file.
IV15 - HFIP intensity consensus (For 2014, consensus of at least two of: DSHP / LGEM / HWFI / GPMI / CXTI / UW4I) (more)
NOAA's HFIP (Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program)

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
SPC3 - CSU-CIRA SPICE statistical intensity consensus (consensus ensemble of HWRF, GFDL and GFS operational models each with DSHIPS and LGEM) (more)
SPC3 (Statistical Prediction of Intensity with a Consensus Ensemble (SPICE), 3 parent model version) is an HFIP experimental statistical model. Combination of 6 different models, SHIPS using results from operational GFDL, HWRF and GFS dynamical models and LGEM using output from same three dynamical models giving ensemble of 6 which is then averaged.
NHC Desc: CIRA SPICE 6-member statistical consensus of DSHP and LGEM with different initial conditions.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
TV15 - HFIP track consensus (For 2014, consensus of at least two of: AVNI / EGRI / HWFI / EMXI / GPMI) (more)
NOAA's HFIP (Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program)

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
UWN4 - UW-NMS (University of Wisconsin - Nonhydrostatic Modeling System) 4km model (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
UW4I - UW-NMS 4km model (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
UW42 - UW-NMS 4km model (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
UWN8 - UW-NMS (University of Wisconsin - Nonhydrostatic Modeling System) 8km model (more)
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2012 in a model file.
UWNI - UW-NMS 8km model (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Timeliness: Early version of UWN8
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2012 in a model file.
UWN2 - UW-NMS 8km model (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
Additonal note for Intensity: GHMI interpolator.

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2012 in a model file.

HFIP Stream 1.5 Models not in techlist file

A1PS - PSU (Penn State University) 1 km; TDR (Tail Doppler Radar) assimilated (more)
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
A1PI - PSU 1 km; TDR assimilated (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Timeliness: Early version of A1PS
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
A4NR - PSU (Penn State University) 4.5 km; No TDR (Tail Doppler Radar) assimilated (more)
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
A4NI - PSU 4.5 km; No TDR (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Timeliness: Early version of A4NR
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
A4QI - PSU 4.5 km; TDR assimilated (Interpolated 6 hours) with GFDL interpolator (more)
NHC Desc: PSU 4.5 km WRF-EnKF system with Doppler data assimilated. Early version of A4PS using GFDL interpolator.
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
AHQI - NCAR Hurricane Regional Model (Interpolated 6 hours) using GFDL interpolator (more)
NHC Desc: NCAR/MMM - SUNY 4-km WRF AHW. Early version of AHW4 using GFDL interpolator. Note that AHWI (standard interpolator) is identical to AHQI for track and was used in TV15.
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2011 in a model file.
ANPS - PSU (Penn State University) 3 km; No TDR (Tail Doppler Radar) assimilated (more)
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
UWQI - University of Wisconsin - Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (Interpolated 6 hours) using GFDL interpolator (more)
NHC Desc: University of Wisconsin 8 km. Early version of UWN8 using GFDL interpolator.
Parameters forecast: Intensity

HMON (Replacement for GFDL)
Hurricane Multi-scale Ocean-coupled Non-hydrostatic model

HMON - Hurricane Multi-scale Ocean-coupled Non-hydrostatic model (more)
Cycle Frequency: 6 hr (126hr), Runs on request from NHC/JTWC
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
HMNI - HMON model (Interpolated 6 hours) - Variable offset intensity (more)
Hurricane Multi-scale Ocean-coupled Non-hydrostatic model

Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
HMN2 - HMON model (Interpolated 12 hours) - Variable offset intensity (more)
Hurricane Multi-scale Ocean-coupled Non-hydrostatic model

Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
HHNI - HMON model (Interpolated 6 hours) - Variable offset radii
HHN2 - HMON model (Interpolated 12 hours) - Variable offset radii

Basin-Scale HWRF

HB20 - HWRF-B - Basin-Scale HWRF
HB0I - HWRF-B - Basin-Scale HWRF (Interpolated 6 hours) - Variable offset intensity
HB02 - HWRF-B - Basin-Scale HWRF (Interpolated 12 hours) - Variable offset intensity

Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting Model

HWRF - Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting model (more)
Type: Multi-layer regional dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
HWFI - HWRF model (Interpolated 6 hours) - Variable offset intensity (more)
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting

Type: Interpolated-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
HWF2 - HWRF model (Interpolated 12 hours) - Variable offset intensity
HWFE - HWRF model with ECMWF fields (more)
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the HWFE model only appeared in 2012.
HWEI - HWRF model with ECMWF fields (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the HWEI model only appeared in 2012.
HWE2 - HWRF model with ECMWF fields (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the HWE2 model only appeared in 2012.
HW3F - HWRF model [2013 version] (more)
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the HW3F model only appeared in 2013.
HW3I - HWRF model [2013 version] (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the HW3I model only appeared in 2013.
HW32 - HWRF model [2013 version] (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the HW32 model only appeared in 2013.
HHFI - HWRF model (Interpolated 6 hrs) - Variable offset radii (more)
"HWRF model radii with bias correction phased out at 36h or removed entirely" - Quote from "A Consensus Forecast for Tropical Cyclone Gale Wind Radii", Sampson and Knaff (2015).
HHF2 - HWRF model (Interpolated 12 hrs) - Variable offset radii

Japanese Global Spectral Model

JGSM - Japanese Global Spectral Model
JGSI - Japanese Global Spectral Model (Interpolated 6 hours)
JGS2 - Japanese Global Spectral Model (Interpolated 12 hours)

Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) official forecast

JTWC - JTWC official forecast
JTWI - JTWC official forecast (Interpolated 6 hours)

McAdie Radii CLIPER model

MRCL - McAdie Radii CLIPER model (more)
Climatology and Persistence
MRCI - McAdie Radii CLIPER model (more)
Climatology and Persistence (Interpolated 6 hours)

North American Mesoscale model

NAM - North American Mesoscale model (more)
NWS / NAM model

Type: Multi-layer regional dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
NAMI - North American Mesoscale (NAM) model (Interpolated 6 hours)
NAM2 - North American Mesoscale (NAM) model (Interpolated 12 hours)
NVGM - Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM) (more)
Timeliness: Late
Cycle/Run Frequency: 6 hr (144 hr), 00/06/12/18 UTC
NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
NVGI - NAVGEM (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Navy Global Environmental Model

NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
NVG2 - NAVGEM (Interpolated 12 hours)
NGX - NAVGEM [GFS tracker] - 2013 and later (previously version of NOGAPS)
NGXI - NAVGEM [GFS tracker] (Interpolated 6 hours) - 2013 and later (previously version of NOGAPS)
NGX2 - NAVGEM [GFS tracker] (Interpolated 12 hours) - 2013 and later (previously version of NOGAPS)

NCEP FV3 Global Model (2018) - Experimental

PRFV - Experimental NCEP FV3 Global Model (2018) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model only appeared in 2018.
PRVI - Experimental NCEP FV3 Global Model (Interpolated 6 hrs) (2018) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model only appeared in 2018.
PRV2 - Experimental NCEP FV3 Global Model (Interpolated 12 hrs) (2018) (more)
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model only appeared in 2018.

NHC Forecast (from ATCF Database)
National Hurricane Center (NHC) official forecast

OFCL - National Hurricane Center (NHC) official forecast (in ATCF system and not from advisory data) (more)
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
OFCI - National Hurricane Center (NHC) official forecast, in ATCF system and not from advisory data (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Previous cycle OFCL, adjusted

Type: Interpolated
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
OFC2 - National Hurricane Center (NHC) official forecast, in ATCF system and not from advisory data (Interpolated 12 hours)
OFCO - Original National Hurricane Center (NHC) official forecast, in ATCF system and not from advisory data (retained when special advisory issued)

NHC Provisional Forecast (from ATCF Database)

OFCP - National Hurricane Center (NHC) provisional forecast (in ATCF system) (more)
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
OFPI - National Hurricane Center (NHC) provisional forecast in ATCF system (Interpolated 6 hours)
OFP2 - National Hurricane Center (NHC) provisional forecast in ATCF system (Interpolated 12 hours)

NOAA's Weather Prediction Center (WPC) official forecast

OHPC - NOAA's Weather Prediction Center (WPC) official forecast (more)
Formerly named the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (HPC)

NOAA's Ocean Prediction Center (OPC) official forecast

OOPC - NOAA's Ocean Prediction Center (OPC) official forecast

Rapid Intensity Aid

RI25 - Rapid Intensity Aid 25kts (24 hr RI Prob) (more)
There is a percentage threshold for producing this deterministic rapid intensification aid.

See "A Deterministic Rapid Intensification Aid", Sampson et al. (2011)

Probabilistic text product can be found here in SHIPS text product folder.
RI30 - Rapid Intensity Aid 30kts (24 hr RI Prob) (more)
There is a percentage threshold for producing this deterministic rapid intensification aid.

See "A Deterministic Rapid Intensification Aid", Sampson et al. (2011)

Probabilistic text product can be found here in SHIPS text product folder.
RI35 - Rapid Intensity Aid 35kts (24 hr RI Prob) (more)
There is a percentage threshold for producing this deterministic rapid intensification aid.

See "A Deterministic Rapid Intensification Aid", Sampson et al. (2011)

Probabilistic text product can be found here in SHIPS text product folder.
RI40 - Rapid Intensity Aid 40kts (24 hr RI Prob) (more)
There is a percentage threshold for producing this deterministic rapid intensification aid.

See "A Deterministic Rapid Intensification Aid", Sampson et al. (2011)

Probabilistic text product can be found here in SHIPS text product folder.

Statistical Hurricane Intensity Forecast model

SHFR - Statistical Hurricane Intensity Forecast (SHIFOR) intensity model 3-day
SHF5 - Statistical Hurricane Intensity Forecast (SHIFOR) intensity model 5-day (more)
SHIFOR5 (Climatology and Persistence model)

Type: Statistical baseline
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Intensity
DSHF - Decay Statistical Hurricane Intensity Forecast (SHIFOR) intensity model
DSF5 - Decay Statistical Hurricane Intensity Forecast (SHIFOR) intensity model 5-day (more)
Decay-SHIFOR5 (Climatology and Persistence model)

Type: Statistical baseline
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Intensity

Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme

SHIP - Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) model (more)
Type: Statistical-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Intensity
DSHP - Decay Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) model (more)
Type: Statistical-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Intensity
LGEM - SHIPS Logistic Growth Equation Model
SHPE - Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) model (ECMWF)
DSPE - Decay Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) model (ECMWF)
LGME - SHIPS Logistic Growth Equation Model (ECMWF)
SHPP - SHIPS model parallel (As of 2008, listed as: experimental - do not use)
DSPP - Decay SHIPS model parallel (As of 2008, listed as: experimental - do not use)
SHNS - Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) not using IR profile predictors
DSNS - Decay Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) not using IR profile predictors

Trajectory and Beta Models

TABD - Trajectory and Beta Model from GFS, deep layer (NHC)
TABM - Trajectory and Beta Model from GFS, medium layer (NHC)
TABS - Trajectory and Beta Model from GFS, shallow layer (NHC)
TBDE - Trajectory and Beta Model from ECMWF, deep layer (NHC)
TBME - Trajectory and Beta Model from ECMWF, medium layer (NHC)
TBSE - Trajectory and Beta Model from ECMWF, shallow layer (NHC)

UKMET MOGREPS-G (Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System)
United Kingdom Meteorological Office

UEMN - UKMET MOGREPS Global (MOGREPS-G) Ensemble Mean (more)
Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System
United Kingdom Met Office

Public access restricted due to agreement with the data provider.

Cycle/Run Frequency: 12 hr (168hr), 00/12 UTC
Parameters forecast: Track
UEMI - UKMET MOGREPS Global (MOGREPS-G) Ensemble Mean (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System
United Kingdom Met Office
UEM2 - UKMET MOGREPS Global (MOGREPS-G) Ensemble Mean (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System
United Kingdom Met Office
UE00 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble Control Member
UE01 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +01 member
UE02 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +02 member
UE03 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +03 member
UE04 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +04 member
UE05 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +05 member
UE06 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +06 member
UE07 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +07 member
UE08 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +08 member
UE09 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +09 member
UE10 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +10 member
UE11 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +11 member
UE12 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +12 member
UE13 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +13 member
UE14 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +14 member
UE15 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +15 member
UE16 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +16 member
UE17 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +17 member
UE18 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +18 member
UE19 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +19 member
UE20 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +20 member
UE21 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +21 member
UE22 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +22 member
UE23 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +23 member (When ensemble was through +22 members, this was listed as "Previous Control" member
UE24 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +24 member
UE25 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +25 member
UE26 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +26 member
UE27 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +27 member
UE28 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +28 member
UE29 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +29 member
UE30 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +30 member
UE31 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +31 member
UE32 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +32 member
UE33 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +33 member
UE34 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble +34 member
UE35 - UKMET MOGREPS-G Ensemble Previous Control member

United Kingdom Meteorological Office

EGRR - UKMET global model (more)
United Kingdom Met Office

Official model from GTS (Global Telecommunication System) with subjective quality control applied to the tracker.
Type: Multi-layered global dynamical
Timeliness: Late
NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
EGRI - UKMET global model (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Previous cycle EGRR, adjusted
United Kingdom Met Office

Official model from GTS (Global Telecommunication System), interpolated 6 hours, with subjective quality control applied to the tracker.
Type: Interpolated-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
EGR2 - UKMET global model (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
United Kingdom Met Office

Official model from GTS (Global Telecommunication System), interpolated 12 hours, with subjective quality control applied to the tracker.
NHC Forecast Paramters: Track and Intensity
UKX - UKMET [GFS tracker] (more)
United Kingdom Met Office
UKXI - UKMET [GFS tracker] (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
United Kingdom Met Office
UKX2 - UKMET [GFS tracker] (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
United Kingdom Met Office
UKM - UKMET model (Developmental), automated tracker (more)
United Kingdom Met Office

Type: Multi-layered global dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
UKMI - UKMET model, automated tracker (Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
Previous cycle UKM, adjusted
United Kingdom Met Office

Type: Interpolated-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
UKM2 - UKMET model, automated tracker (Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
United Kingdom Met Office
KEGR - UKMET model, GTS (2014 test) (more)
United Kingdom Met Office

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the KEGR model has not appeared since 2018 in a model file.
KEGI - UKMET model, GTS (2014 test - Interpolated 6 hours) (more)
United Kingdom Met Office

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the KEGI model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
KEG2 - UKMET model, GTS (2014 test - Interpolated 12 hours) (more)
United Kingdom Met Office

In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the KEG2 model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.

Extrapolation using past 12-hr motion

XTRP - A simple extrapolation using past 12-hr motion
Deprecated Model Listing

Beta and Advection Models

BAMS - Beta and Advection Model, shallow layer (NHC) ( more )
Type: Single-layer trajectory
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
BAMM - Beta and Advection Model, medium layer (NHC) ( more )
Type: Single-layer trajectory
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
BAMD - Beta and Advection Model, deep layer (NHC) ( more )
Type: Single-layer trajectory
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track

Deprecated Consensus Models

CONE - Consensus of AVNI, GFDI, UKMI, NGPI, ECMI and GFNI models
CONI - Intensity Consensus Test only - Do Not Use!
CONU - NHC Multi-Model Consensus (Retired) - Consensus of AVNI, GFDI, UKMI, NGPI and GFNI models
CCON - Corrected CONU Consensus
GENA - Consensus of AVNI, GFDI, EGRI/2 and NGPI models
GUNA - Consensus Track Guidance (Consensus of all: AVNI / GHMI / EGRI / NGPI) ( more )
All Required
Type: Consensus
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hours
CGUN - Version of GUNA corrected for model biases ( more )
Corrected GUNA Consensus Guidance

Type: Corrected consensus
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
GUNS - Consensus of GFDI, UKMI and NGPI models
HCON - Intensity Consensus (GFDI+HWFI+GFNI)
INT4 - Intensity Consensus (DSHP+GFDI+GFNI+LGEM)
TCON - Consensus Track Guidance (2018 version, consensus of all: AVNI, EGRI, HWFI) ( more )
All Required
Type: Consensus
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hours
TCOA - Consensus Track Guidance (2018 version, consensus of all: AVNI, EGRI, HWFI) ( more )
All Required
Type: Consensus
Parameters forecast: Track

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hours

"It is intended that TCOA/TVCA would be the primary consensus aids for the Atlantic basin and TCOE/TVCE would be primary for the eastern Pacific." Source.
TCOE - Consensus Track Guidance (2018 version, consensus of all: AVNI, EGRI, HWFI) ( more )
All Required
Type: Consensus
Parameters forecast: Track

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hours

"It is intended that TCOA/TVCA would be the primary consensus aids for the Atlantic basin and TCOE/TVCE would be primary for the eastern Pacific." Source.
TCCN - Version of TCON corrected for model biases ( more )
Corrected TCON Consensus Guidance

Type: Corrected consensus
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
TVCP - Consensus Track Guidance (2016 version, consensus of at least two of: AVNI, EGRI, GHMI, HWFI, CTCI) ( more )
Type: Consensus
Parameters forecast: Track

Ending in "I" - Interpolated 6 hoursIn reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the model TVCP has not appeared since 2016 in a model file.

GFDL Ensemble
NWS / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Model

GPMN - GFDL Ensemble Mean ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Ensemble mean of member numbers 01 to 11 computed at each lead time where the member availability is at least 4 (40% threshold)
GPMI - GFDL Ensemble Mean (Interpolated 6 hours) ( more )
Timeliness: Early version of GPMN using GFDL interpolator
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
GPM2 - GFDL Ensemble Mean (Interpolated 12 hours)
GP00 - GFDL Ensemble +00 Control ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Control forecast (based on NCEP 2015 operational GFDL)
GP01 - GFDL Ensemble +01 member (unbogussed) ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Opposite vortex bogussing method of the ensemble control model (i.e., runs unbogussed when the control runs bogussed, and vice versa)
GP02 - GFDL Ensemble +02 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Increase NHC-observed Vmax 10%, 34-kt radii 25%, 50-kt radii 40%, ROCI 25%
GP03 - GFDL Ensemble +03 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Decrease NHC-observed Vmax 10%, 34-kt radii 25%, 50-kt radii 40%, ROCI 25%
GP04 - GFDL Ensemble +04 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Modification to increase inner-core moisture by a max of 10%
GP05 - GFDL Ensemble +05 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Modification to decrease inner-core moisture by a max of 10%
GP06 - GFDL Ensemble +06 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Increase SSTs by a max of 3�C within the initial extent of the TC
GP07 - GFDL Ensemble +07 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Decrease SSTs by a max of 3�C within the initial extent of the TC
GP08 - GFDL Ensemble +08 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Surface physics modification: GFDL 2011 operational formulation of CD & CH (surface drag and enthalpy exchange coefficients)
GP09 - GFDL Ensemble +09 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Surface physics modification: HWRF 2015 operational formulation of CH (surface enthalpy exchange coefficient)
GP10 - GFDL Ensemble +10 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Physics modification: Effectively increase mean boundary layer depth
GP11 - GFDL Ensemble +11 member ( more )
For 2015 ens. membership: Physics modification: Effectively decrease mean boundary layer depth
GP12 - GFDL Ensemble +12 member
GP13 - GFDL Ensemble +13 member
GP14 - GFDL Ensemble +14 member
GP15 - GFDL Ensemble +15 member
GP16 - GFDL Ensemble +16 member
GP17 - GFDL Ensemble +17 member
G00I - GFDL Ensemble +00 Control (Interpolated 6 hours)
G01I - GFDL Ensemble +01 member, unbogussed (Interpolated 6 hours) ( more )
NHC Desc: GFDL ensemble member with no bogus vortex.
G02I - GFDL Ensemble +02 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G03I - GFDL Ensemble +03 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G04I - GFDL Ensemble +04 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G05I - GFDL Ensemble +05 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G06I - GFDL Ensemble +06 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G07I - GFDL Ensemble +07 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G08I - GFDL Ensemble +08 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G09I - GFDL Ensemble +09 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G10I - GFDL Ensemble +10 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G11I - GFDL Ensemble +11 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G12I - GFDL Ensemble +12 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G13I - GFDL Ensemble +13 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G14I - GFDL Ensemble +14 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G15I - GFDL Ensemble +15 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G16I - GFDL Ensemble +16 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G17I - GFDL Ensemble +17 member (Interpolated 6 hours)
G002 - GFDL Ensemble +00 Control (Interpolated 12 hours)
G012 - GFDL Ensemble +01 member, unbogussed (Interpolated 12 hours)
G022 - GFDL Ensemble +02 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G032 - GFDL Ensemble +03 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G042 - GFDL Ensemble +04 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G052 - GFDL Ensemble +05 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G062 - GFDL Ensemble +06 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G072 - GFDL Ensemble +07 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G082 - GFDL Ensemble +08 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G092 - GFDL Ensemble +09 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G102 - GFDL Ensemble +10 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G112 - GFDL Ensemble +11 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G122 - GFDL Ensemble +12 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G132 - GFDL Ensemble +13 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G142 - GFDL Ensemble +14 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G152 - GFDL Ensemble +15 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G162 - GFDL Ensemble +16 member (Interpolated 12 hours)
G172 - GFDL Ensemble +17 member (Interpolated 12 hours)

NWS / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Model

GFDL - NWS / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL model) ( more )
Type: Multi-layer regional dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
GFDI - Previous cycle GFDL, adjusted (Interpolated 6 hours) ( more )
NWS / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Type: Interpolated-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
GFD2 - GFDL model (Interpolated 12 hours)
GHMI - GFDL using variable intensity offset (Interpolated 6 hours) ( more )
Previous cycle GFDL, adjusted using a variable intensity offset correction that is a function of forecast time. Note that for track, GHMI and GFDI are identical. (Interpolated 6 hours)
NWS / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Type: Interpolated-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
GHM2 - GFDL using variable intensity offset (Interpolated 12 hours)
GFDT - GFDL using [NCEP tracker]
GFTI - GFDL using [NCEP tracker] (Interpolated 6 hours)
GFT2 - GFDL using [NCEP tracker] (Interpolated 12 hours)
GFDN - Navy version of GFDL model ( more )
(GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)

Type: Multi-layer regional dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
GFNI - Navy version of GFDL model (Interpolated 6 hours) ( more )
Previous cycle GFDN, adjusted
(GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)

Type: Interpolated-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
GFN2 - Navy version of GFDL model (Interpolated 12 hours) ( more )
(GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)
GFD5 - Parallel version of GFDL
GF5I - Parallel version of GFDL (Interpolated 6 hours)
GF52 - Parallel version of GFDL (Interpolated 12 hours)
GFDE - GFDL model with ECMWF fields ( more )
From 2013 onwards. Historically, this identifer was previously used for GFDL model with Emmanuel convective parm
GFEI - GFDL model with ECMWF fields (Interpolated 6 hours)
GFE2 - GFDL model with ECMWF fields (Interpolated 12 hours)
GFDC - GFDL coupled model
GFCI - GFDL coupled model (Interpolated)
GFDU - GFDL model (UKMET version)
GFUI - GFDL model (UKMET version) (Interpolated)
GTSI - GFDL model (Interpolated 6 hours) Test only - Do Not Use!
GTS2 - GFDL model (Interpolated 12 hours) Test only - Do Not Use!
GFDA - GFDL model with Aviation boundary layer parm


KBMD - Beta and Advection model, deep (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
KBMM - Beta and Advection model, medium (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
KBMS - Beta and Advection model, shallow (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
KXTR - Extrapolation using past 12-hr motion (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, the KXTR model only appeared in 2014 and 2017.
KCLP - CLImatology-PERsistence model 3-day (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
KCL5 - CLImatology-PERsistence model 5-day (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2017 in a model file.
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
KOCD - Combination of CLP5 and Decay-SHIFOR run on operational inputs (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2017 in a model file.
KSFR - SHIFOR intensity model 3-day (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2014 in a model file.
KSF5 - SHIFOR intensity model 5-day (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2017 in a model file.
KSHP - SHIPS model (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2017 in a model file.
KDSP - Decay SHIPS model (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2017 in a model file.
KLGM - SHIPS Logistic Growth Equation (LGE) forecast model (NHC-NCO PARA) ( more )
In reviewing all of the model data released in 2020 or earlier from the Atlantic, East Pacific and Central Pacific, this model has not appeared since 2017 in a model file.

Navy's Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System

NGPS - Navy's Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS) model ( more )
Type: Multi-layered global dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
NGPI - NOGAPS model (Interpolated 6 hours) ( more )
Type: Interpolated-dynamical
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
NGP2 - NOGAPS model (Interpolated 12 hours)

Uncategorized Deprecated Models

90AE - NHC-90 test
90BE - NHC-90 test
A67 - NHC-67 statistical-synoptic model ( more )
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
A72 - NHC-72 statistical-dynamical model ( more )
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
A73 - NHC-73 statistic model
A83 - NHC-83 statistical-dynamical model ( more )
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
A90E - NHC-90 (Atlantic) (early) statistical-dynamical model ( more )
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
A90L - NHC-90 (Atlantic) (late) statistical-dynamical model
A98E - NHC-98 (Atlantic) statistical-dynamical model ( more )
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
A9UK - NHC-98 (UKMET version)
AFW1 - Air Force Fifth-Generation Mesoscale Model (MM5) Coarse resolution model ( more )
Type: Multi-layer regional dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track and Intensity
AF1I - Air Force MM5 Coarse resolution (Interpolated 6 hours) ( more )
Fifth-Generation Mesoscale Model
AF12 - Air Force MM5 Coarse resolution (Interpolated 12 hours) ( more )
Fifth-Generation Mesoscale Model
BAMA - BAM test A
BAMB - BAM test B
BAMC - BAM test C
ETA - ETA model
ETAI - ETA model (Interpolated 6 hours)
ETA2 - ETA model (Interpolated 12 hours)
FV5 - NASA fvGCM model
FVGI - NASA fvGCM model (Interpolated)
LBAR - Limited Area Sine Transform Barotropic Model ( more )
Type: Single-layer regional dynamical
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
HURN - HURRAN model ( more )
Type: Analog
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
MFM - Medium Fine Mesh model ( more )
Type: Multi-level global dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track
MM36 - Air Force MM5 model
M36I - Air Force MM5 model (Interpolated)
MRFO - Medium Range Forecast (MRF) Run
NGM - Nested Grid Model
NGMI - NGM model (Interpolated)
OMPC - MPC official forecast
PSS - EP statistic-synoptic model
PSDE - EP (early) statistic-dynamic model
PSDL - EP statistic-dynamic model
P91E - EP NHC-91 (Pacific) (early) statistical-dynamical model ( more )
Timeliness: Early
Parameters forecast: Track
P91L - EP NHC-91 (late) statistic-dynamic model
P9UK - EP NHC_91 (UKMET version)
QLM - Quasi-Lagrangian model ( more )
Type: Multi-layer regional dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track
QLMI - Quasi_Lagrangian model (Interpolated)
SBAR - SANBAR barotropic model ( more )
Type: Single-layer regional dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track
VBAR - VICBAR ( more )
Type: Single-layer regional dynamical
Timeliness: Late
Parameters forecast: Track
VBRI - VICBAR model (Interpolated)